Advertiser Center Dashboard

MediaBrains Advertiser Center Dashboard

When logging in to the MediaBrains advertiser center, this dashboard is going to be the first screen that you encounter. 

Here you will see an overview of some of your reporting that can be accessed in full in other tabs.

At the top you can see the 4 overviews of listing views, profile views, clicks, and click rate.

A listing view is going to be All views of your listing on a directory site. A listing view is going to include when a buyer clicks on a category that you are listed in, product views, content views, etc. Essentially encompassing all impressions that your profile collects.

A profile view is specific to your company page of how many times a buyer decides to view your entire profile with all of your content.

A click is a specific click on your website or phone number from your profile page, and is going to be the closest number to what you may see in your analytics if you use a UTM to track your interaction. 

Click rate is the percentage of profile views that click through to your website or phone number.

All of these stats will begin to populate once your listing goes live and you begin gaining traffic to your profile and categories you are listed in.

The notifications window below serves as a quick view of the most recent activity from the Visitor insight report, which is available in full in the “Reports” tab. However, this window will list some of the domains and job titles that are actively searching your services

Finally, on the side bar we have some shortcuts to the “Reputation Management tool” that is used for managing reviews from customers, and the performance report which will track in depth the views of your category and banner listings and can also be found under the “Reports” tab.