Set up a HubSpot connection

Want to deliver leads directly to your sales team with our HubSpot integration? Setup only takes a minute!

  1. Navigate to the lead endpoints menu in the MAC.
  2. Click the HubSpot integration button.
  3. Allow access to your HubSpot account.
  4. Lead notifications will now be delivered as activity events, and new contacts will be created for leads if they do not already exist in your HubSpot account


Lead Data Dictionary

This data dictionary can be used to help understand the fields sent in the Hubspot lead notification integration.

Lead Field Description
Person Info First Name The first name of the person who submitted the lead.
Last Name The last name of the person who submitted the lead.
Email Address The email address of the person who submitted the lead.
Job Title The job title of the person who submitted the lead.
Phone The phone number of the person who submitted the lead.
Company Info Company The company name where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Industry The industry for the company where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Company Size The range of the number of employees for the company where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Address The address (line 1) for the company's headquarters where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Address Line 2 The address (line 2) for the company's headquarters where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
City The city for the company's headquarters where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
State The state of the company's headquarters where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Postal Code The postal code for the company's headquarters where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Country The country for the company's headquarters where the person who submitted the lead is employed.
Lead Order Details Lead Order Name The name of the lead order this lead is attached to. This field only applies to leads that are part of a pay-per-lead order. This could be used to route leads based on the lead order they are attached to.
Lead Order Leads Remaining The number of leads remaining to be fulfilled in the lead order associated with this lead.
Lead Order Goal End Date The date of the end of the lead order associated with this lead.
Lead Metadata Lead Type This field represents the type of lead. Possible lead type values are: "Request for quote", "Request for information", "Website click", "Add to list", "Content download".
Lead URL A unique URL for the lead that can be used to view the lead in a browser.
Lead Send Date A date and time stamp of when the lead was send to a provider or seller.
Lead Type Specific Fields Lead Category The category this lead originated from. This field is only present for leads that are part of a category. Some leads, such as leads that originated from your company profile, may not have a category.
Content Title The content title of the content downloaded for a content download lead. This will be the piece of content that was downloaded by the person who created the lead. Applicable only to content download lead type.
Product Name The name of the product that is related to this lead. Products can be related to website click leads and request for information leads. If there is a product name attached, the lead is either a click on the product's website link, or a request for information about the product.
List Name The name of the user's list that your company was added to. The user was creating a shortlist of vendors on the directory site, and your company was added. This is the name of the list the user was adding your company to. Applicable only to add to list lead type.
Click Location This is the location the click lead originated from. This could be: Category listing, Company profile, Product, or Banner Ad. Applicable only to add to website click lead type.
Message Subject This is the user-entered subject on a lead where the user is requesting information or a quote from your company. Applicable only to request for information and request for quote lead types.
Message This is the user-entered message on a lead where the user is requesting information or a quote from your company. Applicable only to request for information and request for quote lead types.
Asset A descriptive path to the asset the user interacted with, if one exists.
Directory The vendor directory that the lead originated from, if applicable.