Total Retail Directory

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2023 pricing.

Complete your upgrade today and we’ll give you last year’s pricing – plus our new customer discount.

Sign up now to get

$500 Off

our Featured Listing program

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$1,975 (billed yearly)

more access, more leads, more customers

Want to learn more?​

Schedule a personalized demo with a member of our team to review all the benefits of a Featured Listing.

Start converting site visitors into leads for your business.

Generate leads from your content

When buyers are in the consideration stage, they use authoritative content to accelerate decision making. Your content library notifies you of who has interacted with each piece of content and allows you to gauge performance, make adjustments and easily upload more of the content that converts.

Leverage the power of your reviews.

Unlock Business Chatter® to collect and manage consumer reviews about your company and products.

  • Boost brand confidence by easily gathering and sharing reviews from past customers.
  • Get notifications when a review is created, so that you maintain control of your company’s digital reputation.
  • Drive sales by easily allowing customers to hear what other customers have to say.

Engage your target audience where it matters, when it matters.

Gain full access to our comprehensive array of audience insight tools to ensure your products and services are reaching the right audience. Use our monthly reports and informative dashboard to make data-driven marketing decisions that drive high quality leads.

Ready to get started?